Friday 2 May 2008

Just when everything seems to look a little stale, something always primes its teeth and drags you back into the rabbit hole. Yesterday I discovered Micachu, a young whippersnapper from Eazt Lundin innit. Rather than the iffy processed line of female vocalists littering our airwaves at the moment (the schizophrenically dire blues/spice girls pop of Duffy, for example) Micachu manages to glue some classy hip-hop beats to genuinely soulful lyrics, a bit like a chavvy Regina Spektor. And it's fucking brilliant. Just have a listen at and I guarantee you'll be breaking out the Lambrini and slipping on a leopard skin halterneck. Maybe just me. The free mixtape is worth downloading to catch a few of London's latest grime acts in their pomp.

I suppose if Micachu is the next Lily Allen (though it physically pains me to make that connection), Esser could be the new Mike Skinner. Not afraid to fuse the more leftfield elements of modern hip-hop with unabashed radio 1 poppiness, what results is a massivley fun listen. That is all. I've been a lazy fuck recently, but I promise I'll deck these virtual halls with plenty of tuneful nuggets regularly from today. So, in true lazy blogger style, here are some other bands you might want to browse over:

Afrikan Boy
Panther DLX
Naked and the Boys

Thank you and good night.